Housing Heroes: Recognizing and Rewarding your Hard-Working Community Teams

1 CEC!

Monday, April 27, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
Webinar - Link will be sent after registration. Members Only!

Housing Heroes: Recognizing and Rewarding your Hard-Working Community Teams


INSTRUCTOR: Kara Rice and Jen Piccotti, Swift Bunny
Class Time: 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM

Continuing Education Credit: 1.00

FREE for Members!

We’ve always known apartment community team members were ‘essential’, but since March 2020, that’s taken on a whole new meaning. Your front-line teams are working harder than ever, under incredibly challenging circumstances, to support your stressed-out residents. They deserve some TLC. Join us for an idea-sharing session and learn how to lift up your hard-working apartment community team members (from a social distance, of course.)


Login information for the webinar will be sent out once you register!

For More Information:

Krystal Humphrey

Krystal Humphrey


Deputy Executive Director, Bay Area Apartment Association

View Profile
