October THHI Speed Leasing
Does your property need to fill vacancies?
Consider participating in the October Speed Leasing Event!
The Bay Area Apartment Association (BAAA) and the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative (THHI) are organizing a Virtual Speed Leasing event on October 26, from 2-3PM. BAAA members will be able to showcase their properties to prospective residents that THHI and its charitable partners are helping. These prospective residents are ready to move in now, so this will be a great opportunity to fill vacancies.
Knowing that many of these prospective residents will have blemishes on their record, THHI is providing a comprehensive set of landlord incentives to motivate participation. These incentives includes:
- Guaranteeing rent is paid for the one-year lease term
- An amount of up to three month's rent to cover a mixture of:
- Security deposit
- Signing bonus
- Any damages to the unit
For more details on the program and the incentives THHI is offering, please read the:
Also note that THHI is subject to maximum rents are generally limited to the published HUD Fair Market Rates, available here.
Once you register, a BAAA team member will contact you to secure additional information and to provide you the link for Monday's Speed Leasing event.
For More Information:
![Eric Garduño](https://assets.noviams.com/novi-file-uploads/baaa/members/members-img_1718s.png)