Poker for APAC Recap

Congratulations to 3rd-place Poker for APAC winner Dexter Rendon (left) of Gateway North Apartments in Clearwater and to our winners in a gentlemen's tie for 1st, David Knight (center) Brad Morgan both of Intex Builders who walk away with $750 in prize money for the company where, obviously, a lot of poker playing goes on with the building thing.
Thanks so much to our sponsors without whom this would have not been possible: Absolutely Amazing Refinishing and Wayne Automatic Fire Sprinklers for the bar and food; table sponsors CRG Group, Advanced Plumbing, Capstone, Providence Painters, Carroll Management, Affinity Waste, Greystar, Real Floors and Comtow and our additional sponsors Parking Lot Solutions, Davey Tree and Schwartz Advocacy.